Name: Cybil Renee Lewis
Birthday: December 25, 2116
Birthday: December 25, 2116
--Parents :Deceased.
--Sibling: Sister, Trisha. Niece: Nina
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: Real
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Work Experience:
--District Army
--Interned for Robert
Morgan, a private inspector in the Denver Territory
--Black belt in karate.
--Hand to hand combat.
--Lasergun deadshot.
Cybil comments about Jane.
"The girl needs hobby or something that girls her age do."--from Silenced.
"Get up with your hands high where I can see them or you're going to be whistling Dixie through the hole I put through your chest." --Jane always had a way with words.
Cybil comments about Jane.
"The girl needs hobby or something that girls her age do."--from Silenced.
"Get up with your hands high where I can see them or you're going to be whistling Dixie through the hole I put through your chest." --Jane always had a way with words.